What Role Do you Play in Nuclear Issues


Young children of today thinks that certain heavy societal issues are not theirs to mingle with just when they are not supposed to butt in to adults conversation. Well, while the latter is a way to practice your limitations as a child, it is not true that you, as one of the human beings who live in this world, regardless of age, are incapable of doing as much to help deep issues such as poverty, lack of education and immorality.
Carlton Church International Movement to Abolish Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Weapons, a non-profit organization working to seek awareness and mobilize people in all countries, inspire and persuade the public to initiate banning of the production of any nuclear products which includes but not limited to nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, emphasizes the importance of the new generation in today’s social matter. Carlton always believes that as future guardians of our own habitat should be trained early to understand deeper the role human beings have to play.
Everyone has a role to play in the global campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons. As a student, you can influence your leaders’ views on nuclear weapons issues and encourage friends and family members to become active in the movement. You can’t indeed file a complaint yet but at least you can influence.
In 2002 the United Nations conducted a landmark study on disarmament and non-proliferation education, concluding that learning about the harm caused by weapons of war should be an essential part of the curriculum in every country.
Disarmament education is the best possible foundation for a world free of nuclear weapons. Without a basic understanding of the nuclear threat, students are powerless to take steps to make nuclear abolition a reality.
Young people who have grown up since the end of the cold war have had little exposure to nuclear weapons issues in the media. As a result, many are ignorant of the dangerous legacy of more than 20,000 nuclear weapons. They aren’t able to know what Chernobyl is, thinking that it is some kind of a car’s brand and some students from Japan itself aren’t aware of the Fukushima accident which caused millions of dollars and affected thousands of lives from neighbouring cities of Tokyo, Yokohama and even reaches places like Singapore and Taiwan. This must change.
In reviews, most of the young people we work with consider it absurd that nations still threaten each other with these weapons.
They want their generation to be the last to grow up under the nuclear shadow. Together we have the power to transform the vision of a nuclear weapon-free world into reality. Are you up for it?